Vea el listado actualizado de publicaciones de Dr. Alejandro Soza en Pubmed.
A continuación se presenta un listado de las publicaciones científicas in extenso en revistas científicas del Dr. Alejandro Soza, con sus respectivos links al texto completo e indexación.
- “Estudio de impacto presupuestal de Daclatasvir asociado a Asunaprevir para el tratamiento de la Hepatitis C desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud público chileno”. Value in Health Regional Issues. 2017. Accepted.
- Monrroy H, Angulo J, Pino K, Labbé P, Miquel JF, López-Lastra M, Soza A. “Detection of high biliary and fecal viral loads in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection”. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Feb 26. pii: S0210-5705(17)30018-3. doi: 10.1016/j.gastrohep.2017.01.004.
- Monrroy H, López-Lastra M, Soza A. “Hepatitis C virus may have an entero-hepatic cycle which could be blocked with ezetimibe”. Med Hypotheses. 2017. In press.
- Norero B, Serrano CA, Sanchez-Fueyo A, Duarte I, Torres J, Ocquetau M, Barrera F, Arrese M, Soza A, Benítez C. “Conversion to mycophenolate mofetil monotherapy in liver recipients: Calcineurin inhibitor levels are key”. Ann Hepatol. 2017 Jan-Feb 2017;16(1):94-106. doi: 10.5604/16652681.1226820. Pubmed
- Monrroy-Bravo H, Angulo J, Pino K, Labbé P, López-Lastra M, Soza A. “Effect of ezetimibe in HCV viral load after liver transplantation”. Ann Hepatol. 2016. Sep-Oct;15(5):803-5. Pubmed
- Piñero F, Tisi Baña M, de Ataide EC, Hoyos Duque S, Marciano S, Varón A, Anders M, Zerega A, Menéndez J, Zapata R, Muñoz L, Padilla Machaca M, Soza A, McCormack L, Poniachik J, Podestá LG, Gadano A, Boin IS, Duvoux C, Silva M; Latin American Liver Research, Education and Awareness Network (LALREAN). “Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular carcinoma: Evaluation of the AFP model in a multicenter cohort from Latin America”. Liver Int. 2016. Nov;36(11):1657-1667. Pubmed
- Dore GJ, Conway B, Luo Y, Janczewska E, Knysz B, Liu Y, Streinu-Cercel A, Caruntu FA, Curescu M, Skoien R, Ghesquiere W, Mazur W, Soza A, Fuster F, Greenbloom S, Motoc A, Arama V, Shaw D, Tornai I, Sasadeusz J, Dalgard O, Sullivan D, Liu X, Kapoor M, Campbell A, Podsadecki T. “Efficacy and safety of ombitasvir/paritaprevir/r and dasabuvir compared to IFN-containing regimens in genotype 1 HCV patients: The MALACHITE-I/II trials”. J Hepatol. 2016 Jan;64(1):19-28. Pubmed
- Ruiz A, Soza A. “Tratamiento de la hepatitis C en cirrosis: beneficios y riesgos”. Gastroenterol. latinoam 2016; Vol 27, Supl Nº 1: S 64-S 68. Scielo
- Vargas CL, Espinoza MA, Giglio A, Soza A. “Cost Effectiveness of Daclatasvir/Asunaprevir Versus Peginterferon/Ribavirin and Protease Inhibitors for the Treatment of Hepatitis C Genotype 1b Naïve Patients in Chile”. PLoS One. 2015 Nov 6;10(11):e0141660. Pubmed
- Pizarro M, Solís N, Rojas V, Díaz LA, Padilla O, Letelier LM, Aizman A, Sarfatis A, Olivos T, Soza A, Delfino A, Latorre G, Ivanovic-Zuvic D, Hoyl T, Bitran M, Arab JP, Riquelme A. “Development of MEDUC-PG14 survey to assess postgraduate teaching in medical specialties”. Rev Med Chil. 2015 Aug;143(8):1005-1014. Pubmed
- Rivera MM, Soza A, Jazwinski A, Mi L, Kleiner DE, Zhao X, Zuber C, Brust D, Hsu E, Simpson J, Hoofnagle JH, Heller T. “2015-02-HIV Through the Looking Glass Insights Derived From Hepatitis B”. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2015 Feb 1;68(2):123-7. Pubmed
- Soza A, Labbé P, Arrese M, Riquelme A, Barrera F, Benítez C, Huete A, Balcells ME, Labarca J. “Mycobacterium abscessus pulmonary infection during hepatitis C treatment with telaprevir, peginterferon and ribavirin”. Ann Hepatol. 2015. Jan-Feb;14(1):132-6. Pubmed
- Arab JP, Candia R, Zapata R, Muñoz C, Arancibia JP, Poniachik J, Soza A, Fuster F, Brahm J, Sanhueza E, Contreras J, Cuellar MC, Arrese M, Riquelme A. “Management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: an evidence-based clinical practice review”. World J Gastroenterol. 2014 Sep 14;20(34):12182-201. Pubmed
- Méndez-Sánchez N, Paraná R, Cheinquer H, Alves de Mattos A, Gadano A, Silva M, Pessôa MG, Gomes-Ferraz ML, Soza A, Mendes-Correa MC, Chávez-Tapia NC, Dagher L, Padilla M, Hernandez N, Sánchez-Avila JF, Contreras F, Moraes-Coelho HS, Parise ER, Bessone F, Uribe M. “Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver: Recommendations on treatment of hepatitis C”. Ann Hepatol. 2014 Aug;13 Suppl 2:1-66. Pubmed
- Norero B, Pérez-Ayuso RM, Duarte I, Ramirez P, Soza A, Arrese M, Benítez C. “Portal hypertension and acute liver failure as uncommon manifestations of primary amyloidosis”. Ann Hepatol. 2014;13(1):142-9. Pubmed
- Ruiz A, Pérez G, Soza A. “Tratamiento de infección por virus de hepatitis C mediante secuestro de ARNm“. Gastr Latinoam 2013; Vol 24, Nº 3: 168-171.
- Soza A, Lopez-Lastra M. “IL28B Polymorphisms Among Latin American HCV Patients”. Curr Hepatitis Rep. 2013;12:276–279.
- Chávez-Tapia NC, Ridruejo E, Alves de Mattos A, Bessone F, Druich J, Sánchez-Avila JF, Cheinquer H, Zapata R, Uribe M, Bosques-Padilla F, Gadano A, Soza A, Dávalos-Moscol M, Marroni C, Muñoz-Espinoza L, Castro-Narro G, Paraná R, Méndez-Sánchez N. “An update on the management of hepatitis C: guidelines for protease inhibitor-based triple therapy from the Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver”. Ann Hepatol. 2013;12(2):S3-S35. Pubmed
- Angulo J, Pino K, Pavez C, Biel F, Labbé P, Miquel JF, Soza A, López-Lastra M. “Genetic variations in host IL28B links to the detection of peripheral blood mononuclear cells-associated hepatitis C virus RNA in chronically infected patients”. J Viral Hepat. 2013 Apr;20(4):263-72. Pubmed
- Gabrielli M, Moisan F, Vidal M, Duarte I, Jiménez M, Izquierdo G, Domínguez P, Méndez J, Soza A, Benitez C, Pérez R, Arrese M, Guerra J, Jarufe N, Martínez J. “Steatotic livers. Can we use them in OLTX? Outcome data from a prospective baseline liver biopsy study”. Ann Hepatol. 2012;11(6):891-8. Pubmed
- Soza, A. “Hepatitis C RNA clearance after treatment with ezetimibe“. Liver Int. 2012;32(8):1323-4. Pubmed
- Manns MP, Gane E, Rodriguez-Torres M, Stoehr A, Yeh CT, Marcellin P, Wiedmann RT, Hwang PM, Caro L, Barnard RJ, Lee AW; for the MK-7009 Protocol 007 Study Group. “Vaniprevir with peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in treatment-naive patients with chronic hepatitis C – a randomized phase 2 study“. Hepatology. 2012 56(3):884-893. Pubmed
- Benítez C, Arancibia JP, Arrese M, Soza A, Domínguez P, Jarufe N, Martínez J, Pérez-Ayuso RM. “Operational tolerance after liver transplantation, more common than we think: A case report”. Ann Hepatol. 2011;10(3):361-4. Pubmed
- Salech F, Valderrama S, Nervi B, Rodríguez JC, Oksenberg D, Koch A, Smok G, Duarte I, Pérez-Ayuso RM, Jarufe N, Martínez J, Soza A, Arrese M, Riquelme A. “Thalidomide for the treatment of metastatic hepatic epithelioid hemangioendothelioma: a case report with a long term follow-up”. Ann Hepatol. 2011; 3;10(1):99-102. Pubmed
- Arrese M, Riquelme A, Soza A. “Insulin resistance, hepatic steatosis and hepatitis C: a complex relationship with relevant clinical implications”. Ann Hepatol. 2010;9 Suppl:112-118. Pubmed
- Soza A, Riquelme A, Arrese M. “Routes of transmission of hepatitis C virus”. Ann Hepatol. 2010;9 Suppl:30-33. Pubmed
- Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver. “Latin American Association for the Study of the Liver Practice Guidelines. Diagnosis, management, and treatment of hepatitis C”. Ann Hepatol. 2010;9 Suppl:8-26. Pubmed
- Barrera F, Soza A. “Shortened therapy for genotype 1 hepatitis C virus. The final answer?” Ann Hepatol. 2010;9(1):112-3. Pubmed
- Rotman Y, Borg BB, Soza A, Feld JJ, Modi AA, Loomba R, Lutchman G, Rivera E, Doo E, Ghany MG, Heller T, Neumann AU, Liang TJ, Hoofnagle JH. “Clinical trial: low- and standard-dose peginterferon alfa-2a for chronic hepatitis C, genotype 2 or 3 – efficacy, tolerability, viral kinetics and cytokine response”. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2010; 31(9):1018-27. Pubmed
- Caneo C, González M, Repetto P, Soza A. “Trastornos psiquiátricos y cognitivos de la hepatitis C y su tratamiento con interferón”. Rev Med Chile 2010;138:1431-40. Pubmed
- Gabrielli M, Vivanco M, Hepp J, Martínez J, Pérez R, Guerra J, Arrese M, Figueroa E, Soza A, Yáñes R, Humeres R, Rios H, Palacios JM, Zapata R, Sanhueza E, Contreras J, Rencoret G, Rossi R, Jarufe N. “Liver transplantation results for hepatocellular carcinoma in Chile”. Transplant Proc. 2010;42(1):299-301. Pubmed
- Vivanco M, Gabrielli M, Jarufe N, Humeres R, Rios H, Palacios JM, Zapata R, Sanhueza E, Contreras J, Rencore G, Rossi R, Martínez J, Pérez R, Guerra J, Arrese M, Figueroa E, Soza A, Yáñes R, Hepp J. “Bridge therapy in hepatocellular carcinoma before liver transplantation: the experience of two Chilean centers”. Transplant Proc. 2010;42(1):296-8. Pubmed
- Soza A, Palma R. “Requisitos para la acreditación de centros y programas universitarios en gastroenterología”. Gastr Latinoam 2010;21(4):502-9.
- Nazal L, Barría P, Acuña D, Rivas A, Vera N, Valiente D, Jiménez J, Cudworth M, Barra L, Contreras A, Salas I, Alvarez M, Soza A, Riquelme A. “Alteración de pruebas hepáticas en pacientes chilenos con enfermedades hepáticas agudas y crónicas”. Gastr Latinoam 2010:21(4):459-67.
- Riquelme A, de la Fuente P, Méndez B, Salech F, Valderrama S, Méndez JI, Oporto J, Miquel JF, Defilippi C, Soza A, Sirham M, Sáenz R. “Identificación de las competencias del gastroenterólogo chileno: Técnica Delphi modificada”. Gastr Latinoam 2010;21(4):437-53.
- Rojas C, Méndez L, Arab JP, Barrera F, Soza A, Nervi F, Duarte I, Pulgar MA, Paredes N, Molgó M, Amador R, Cariqueo M, Riquelme A. “Síndrome de DRESS. Eritema cutáneo, fiebre y hepatitis asociado a lamotrigina. Reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura”. Gastr Latinoam 2010;21(3):357-62.
- Soza A, San Martín AM, Jofré L, Noriega LM, Hunter B, Muñoz G, Becerra M, Martínez MC, Soto K, Rivera M, Tohá D. “Guía clínica de manejo de la infección por virus de la Hepatitis C”. Gastr Latinoam 2010;21(3):379-409.
- Arab JP, Pavez C, Soza A, Arrese MA, Riquelme A. “Hepatitis colestásica por Mycoplasma pneumonia sin compromiso pulmonar. Caso clínico y revisión de la literature”. Gastr Latinoam 2010;21(2):85-8.
- Soza A, Larraín S. “Hepatotoxicidad por verapamil. Reporte de un caso”. Gastr Latinoam. 2010;21(1):27-9.
- Castro F, Riquelme A, Accatino L, Huete A, Besa C, Velásquez C, Soza A. “Fasciolasis hepática: Enfermedad con múltiples presentaciones”. Gastr Latinoam. 2009;20(4):308-13.
- Barrera F, Riquelme A, Soza A, Contreras A, Barrios G, Padilla O, Viviani P, Pérez-Ayuso RM. “Platelet count/spleen diameter ratio for non-invasive prediction of high risk esophageal varices in cirrhotic patients”. Ann Hepatol. 2009;8(4):325-30. Pubmed
- Vera-OtarolaJ, Barría MI, León U, CarvalloP, SozaA, Marcelo López-Lastra M. “Is single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis of the full 5’untranslated region an adequate approach to study hepatitis C virus quasispecies distribution?” Journal of Virology. 2009;83(17):9018-21. Pubmed
- Vera-Otarola J, Barrıa MI, Leon U, Marsac D, Carvallo P, Soza A, Lopez-Lastra M. “Hepatitis C virus quasispecies in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells of treatment naïve chronically infected patients”. J Viral Hepat. 2009;16(9):633-43. Pubmed
- Barrıa MI, Gonzalez A, Vera-Otarola J, Leon U, Vollrath V, Marsac D, Monasterio O, Perez-Acle T, Soza A, Lopez-Lastra M. “Analysis of natural variants of the hepatitis C virus internal ribosome entry site reveals that primary sequence plays a key role on cap-independent translation”. Nucleic Acids Research. 2009;37(3):957-71. Pubmed
- Riquelme A, Arrese M, Soza A, Morales A, Baudrand R, Pérez-Ayuso RM, González R, Alvarez M, Hernández V, García-Zattera MJ, Otarola F, Medina B, Rigotti A, Miquel JF, Marshall G, Nervi F. “Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and its association with obesity, insulin resistance and increased serum levels of C-reactive protein in Hispanics”. Liver Int. 2009;29(1):82-8. Pubmed
- Barría MI, Vera-Otarola J, León U, Vollrath V, Marsac D, Riquelme A, López-Lastra M, Soza A. “Influence of extrahepatic viral infection on the natural history of hepatitis C”. Ann Hepatol. 2008;7:136-43. Pubmed
- Soza A. “Hepatitis autoinmune”. Gastr Latinoam. 2007;18:193-7.
- Riquelme A, Soza A, Pedreros C, Bustamant A, Valenzuela F, Otarola F, Abbott E, Arellano M, Medina B, Pattillo A, Greig D, Arrese M, Rollan A. “Optimal length of triple therapy for H pylori eradication in a population with high prevalence of infection in Chile”. World J Gastroenterol. 2007;13:2967-72. Pubmed
- Cerda C, Perez-Ayuso RM, Riquelme A, Soza A, Villaseca P, Sir-Petermann T, Espinoza M, Pizarro M, Solis N, Miquel JF, Arrese M. “Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in women with polycystic ovary syndrome”. J Hepatol. 2007;47:412-7. Pubmed
- Riquelme A, Calvo M, Salech F, Valderrama S, Pattillo A, Arellano M, Arrese M, Soza A, Viviani P, Letelier, LM. “Value of adenosine deaminase (ADA) in ascitic fluid for the diagnosis of tuberculous peritonitis: A meta-analysis”. J Clin Gastr. 2006;40:705–10. Pubmed
- Soza A, López-Lastra M. “Hepatitis C en Chile: Magnitud del problema”. Rev Med Chil. 2006;134:777-88. Pubmed
- Jarufe N, Soza A, Perez-Ayuso RM, Poblete JA, Gonzalez R, Guajardo M, Hernandez V, Riquelme A, Arrese M, Martınez J. “Successful liver transplantation and delivery in a woman with fulminant hepatic failure occurring during the second trimester of pregnancy“. Liver International. 2006;26:494–7. Pubmed
- Vial P, Riquelme A, Pizarro M, Solís M, Madariaga JM, Aguayo G, Duarte I, Soza A, Accatino L, Arrese M. “Pentoxifylline does not prevent neither liver damage nor early profibrogenic events in a rat model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis”. Ann Hepatol. 2006;5:25-29. Pubmed
- Quinteros JI, Barrera F, Valderrama S, Salech F, Veas E, Espinoza M, Salas I, Soza A, Zárate V, Valdivia G, Bastías G, Riquelme A. “Evaluación crítica de artículo económico: Análisis Costo-utilidad de estrategias de profilaxis secundaria en hemorragia variceal”. Gastr Latinoam. 2006;17:86-98.
- Boza C, Riquelme A, Ibanez L, Duarte I, Norero E, Viviani P, Soza A, Fernandez JI, Raddatz A, Guzman S, Arrese M. “Predictors of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) in Obese Patients Undergoing Gastric Bypass”. Obes Surg. 2005;15(8):1148-53. Pubmed
- Soza A, Riquelme A, Gonzalez R, Alvarez M, Perez-Ayuso RM, Glasinovic JC, Arrese M. “Increased orocecal transit time in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease”. Dig Dis Sci. 2005;50:1136-40. Pubmed
- Salech F, Valderrama S, Espinoza M, Salas I, Veas E, Barrera F, Quinteros JI, Soza A, Letelier LM, Riquelme A. “Evaluación de Test Diagnóstico. Utilidad de adenosin deaminasa (ADA) en el diagnóstico de peritonitis tuberculosa”. Gastr Latinoam. 2005;16:262-268.
- Soza A, Heller T, Ghany M, G, Liang J, Germain J, Hsu HH, Park Y, Hoofnagle JH. “Pilot study of interferon gamma for chronic hepatitis C”. J Hepatol. 2005;43:67-71. Pubmed
- González R, Soza A, Hernández V, Pérez RM, Alvarez M, Morales A, Arrellano M, Riquelme A, Viviani P, Covarrubias C, Arrese M, Miquel JF, Nervi F. “Incidence and prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in Chile”. Ann Hepatol. 2005;4:127-30. Pubmed
- Barrera F, Valderrama S, Salech F, Veas E, Espinoza M, Salas I, Quinteros JI, Soza A, Letelier LM, Riquelme A. “Evaluación de meta-análisis: Utilidad de corticoides en el tratamiento de la hepatitis alcohólica grave”. Gastr Latinoam. 2005;16:58-68.
- Soza A, Arrese M, González R, Alvarez M, Pérez RM, Cortés P, Patillo A, Riquelme A. “Clinical and epidemiological features of 147 Chilean patients with chronic hepatitis C”. Ann Hepatol. 2004;3:146-51. Pubmed
- Veas E, Barrera F, Salas I, Espinoza M, Quintero JI, Soza A, Letelier LM, Riquelme A. “Evaluación de estudios de tratamiento: Utilidad de pentoxifilina en el tratamiento de la hepatitis por alcohol grave”. Gastr Latinoam. 2004;15:208-218.
- Castillo C, Benítez C, Baccigaluppi G, Soza A, Riquelme A. “Empiema bacteriano espontáneo en paciente cirrótico”. Gastr Latinoam. 2004;15:203-7.
- Riquelme A, Soza A, Nazal L, Martínez G, Kolbach M, Patillo A, Arellano JM, Duarte I, Martínez J, Molgó M, Arrese M. “Histological resolution of steatohepatitis after iron depletion”. Dig Dis Sci. 2004;49:1012-5. Pubmed
- Soza A. “Hepatitis tóxica: Acetaminofeno y otras”. Gastr Latinoam. 2004;15:158-162.
- Promrat K, Lutchman G, Uwaifo GI, Freedman RJ, Soza A, Heller T, Doo E, Ghany M, Premkumar A, Park Y, Liang TJ, Yanovski JA, Kleiner DE, Hoofnagle JH. “A pilot study of pioglitazone treatment for nonalcoholic steatohepatitis“. Hepatology. 2004;39:188-96. Pubmed
- Soza A, Hoofnagle JH. “Mortality rate during interferon alfa-ribavirin combination therapy of chronic hepatitis C” (Letter). Hepatology. 2003;38:267. Pubmed
- Hoofnagle JH, Ghany MG, Kleiner DE, Doo E, Heller T, Promrat K, Ong J, Khokhar F, Soza A, Herion D, Park Y, Everhart JE, Liang TJ. “Maintenance therapy with ribavirin in patients with chronic hepatitis C who fail to respond to combination therapy with interferon alfa and ribavirin“. Hepatology. 2003;38:66-74. Pubmed
- Promrat K, McDermott DH, Gonzalez CM, Kleiner DE, Koziol DE, Lessie M, Merrell M, Soza A, Heller T, Ghany M, Park Y, Alter HJ, Hoofnagle JH, Murphy PM, Liang TJ. “Associations of chemokine system polymorphisms with clinical outcomes and treatment responses of chronic hepatitis C“. Gastroenterology. 2003;124:352-360. Pubmed
- Soza A, Lau DT, Khokhar MF, Conjeevaram H, Park Y, Hoofnagle JH. “Resolution of chronic hepatitis B-associated autoimmune neutropenia with alpha interferon therapy“. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2003;36:141-3. Pubmed
- Soza A, Everhart J, Ghany M, Doo E, Heller T, Promrat K, Park Y, Liang J, Hoofnagle JH. “Neutropenia associated with alpha interferon therapy of chronic hepatitis C“. Hepatology. 2002;36:1273-1279. Pubmed
- Soza A, Riquelme F, Álvarez M, Duarte I, Arrese M. “Hepatotoxicity by amoxicillin-clavulanic acid: Case report and review“. Rev Med Chil. 127(12):1487-1491,1999. Pubmed
- Martínez A, Muñoz V, Lisboa C, Jalil J, Godoy I, Moreno R, Ferretti R, Casanegra P, Saldías F, Guarda E, Corbalán R, Arroyo C, Soza A, Morales RA, Pozo I, Arancibia C. “Non-invasive intermittent mechanical ventilation: usefulness in treatment of chronic severe heart failure”. Rev Med Chil. 1995;123:1467-75. Pubmed
- Enríquez R, Escalona J, Oyarzún E, Chuaqui R, Soza A, Contreras G. “Complicated placental chorioangioma: infrequent cause of premature labor“. Rev Chil Obstet Ginecol. 1994;59:390-2. Pubmed
- Martínez A, Fajuri A, Corbalán R, Marchant E, Dussaillant E, Castellón J, Sanhueza G, Zepeda S, Arroyo C, Soza A. “Incidence and features of cardiogenic shock in AMI: a comparison of the pre and post thrombolytic periods”. Rev Chil Card. 1993;12:116-8. Lilacs